Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ella Rae - 7 month newsletter

Dear Ella,

You're another month older and doing great! You're such a happy baby and a real sweetie.

You love kisses on your neck and cheeks. You don't even try and move to get away, but just lay there and enjoy the attention. I'll kiss those cheeks all day if you let me!

You made your first emergency room trip not too long ago. It wasn't for you, but for Riley (asthma issues; all better now). It was the middle of the night and you stayed awake the whole time! You were a real trooper. 

You love to eat! You'll eat anything I give you. You even had your first Cheeto recently. You did a number on that Cheeto! Cheetos aren't exactly healthy or baby food, but I thought you would like it. You ate half of it, and the other half was clenched tightly in your fist. You could not figure out how to eat the rest of that Cheeto. Riley was quick to inform your doctor about you eating your first Cheeto. I've given you macaroni and cheese on your tray and you get very serious when you try and pick the macaroni up. You're pretty good at picking the macaroni up, and even better at throwing it on the floor.

Bath time has to be your favorite thing to do. You splash water all over the bath room by kicking. You kick so hard! Water gets all in your face but you don't seem to mind. You love when Riley is in the bath tub with you. She hands you all your toys.

And so, you're going to be a big sister. It's surreal writing that sentence. My sweet little baby is going to be a big sister. Needless to say, we were all surprised to learn that I was pregnant. You'll never remember life as the baby of our family. You'll always be a little sister, big sister and a middle child. You're going to be great.

I'm eating you up until this little brother gets here. I'm so proud of you. I love to show you off and brag about you. People have a hard time believing what a great sleeper you are. You're a great baby.

I love you so much! I can't wait to watch you grow and see what the rest of this year has in store for you.

Love, Mama